Monday, November 28, 2011

"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"

There is some sort of conundrum when it comes to this quote for me. I feel that:

a. I will die soon, not a hero


b. I will live just long enough to see myself take up my Villain mantle

And yes I am aware that the quote is merely dialogue in a movie. (A fantastic movie mind you, but that's beside the point.) People just relate to things sometimes. I'm having a really rough day today. I came to the realization that I spend my money (what little I do have) on pointless and useless things and as such am completely screwed when it comes to having to pay for shit I actually need. *le sigh* 

Because of this realization, I started thinking about how I want to change the way I am with money. And because of THAT, I starting thinking about my future. 

I realized that given enough time, I WILL end up being that crotchety stuck up old shut-in bastard that hates everyone just because they are people. I try my best to avoid actual socializing as much as I can. At least with people I don't know. Meeting new people isn't my thing. In fact I've been quoted as saying I hate people or that people as a whole suck. True story. *nods* I can't be the hero that Gotham needs me to be. 

Until the day comes when I am making a decent amount of money, I will always be a worthless SOB just taking up space. Sure I mean something to a few people here and there, but for the most part I don't matter. It's really sad that most of my "accomplishments" are online or in video game form. If you were to ask me about things I've done with my life, most of my responses would be in the form of some sort of video game related anecdote. 

I need to go sell things online to have money for bills/christmas. *le sigh*

More later, maybe.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

The slow descent into madness

I find the lack of updates to my blog, disturbing.

I was hoping to make this a daily log of activities, desires, wants, needs, general geekery, etc. 

So far it has been a disappointment let down. But I can only firmly press my thumbs against my chest and say, "Who has two thumbs and is at fault for not updating his blog? This guy!"

The ironic thing is that when I am not sitting down in front of the computer I can think of at least 30 different things that I can update this with. Then by the time I have free time to sit down and actually write, I can't think of any of the wonderful ideas that were in my head. *le sigh*

I should actually wrap this entry up as well seeing as how I will be late to work if I continue to ramble on about nothing. 


P.S. School is going alright. Work, so far so good. Tonight will be the real test I suppose. 

I'm out like a boner in sweat pants. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

With The Best of Intentions..

...comes the worst of failures. Not everytime. But a lot. Not "alot" though. Ask Allie about that. 

Anyway, so I haven't been keeping up a daily schedule with this blogging. D'oh! The problem is that I want to be witty, and funny, and awesome and I am not convinced that I can pull that off consistently, yet alone on a DAILY basis. I guess time will tell. The few people that ARE reading this could do me a favor and comment and/or subscribe to this blog. That way I know I am making a difference in a child's life. Or not. Whatevs. 

I just spent about an hour playing some Rock Band 3. I have over 500 songs (mostly via DLC) so don't ask me to name my favorite songs to play. I play expert on Guitar, Bass, Vocals and Regular keys. I can do medium/hard on Pro Keys and Drums. Go me? lol. The reason I mention this is because Harmonix, the makers of Rock Band, release downloadable songs every week for the game. They've been doing it since about 2007 and there is one song that has been glaringly ALARMINGLY absent since that time. 

Now playing: "In A Gadda Da Vida" by Iron Butterfly

Oh yes ladies and gents, I'm talking about one of the "trippiest" stoner songs there could possibly be. A song that is so epic, heavy metal badasses Slayer covered it.

Here's part of the wikipedia entry for the song:

"A commonly related story says that the song's title was originally "In the Garden of Eden" but at one point in the course of rehearsing and recording, singer Doug Ingle became intoxicated and slurred the words, creating the mondegreen that stuck as the title. However, the liner notes on 'the best of' CD compilation state that drummer Ron Bushy was listening to the track through headphones, and could not clearly distinguish what Doug Ingle answered when Ron asked him for the title of the song (which was originally "In-the-Garden-of-Eden"). An alternate explanation, as given in the liner notes of the 1995 re-release of the In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida album, is that Ingle was drunk or high, or both, when he first told Bushy the title, and Bushy wrote it down. Bushy then showed Ingle what he had written, and the slurred title stuck."

The point is that this song would blow every other song in the game out of the water, and I DEMAND TO HAVE IT! *shakes fist at the Harmonix HQ in a menacing way in the hopes that they deliver*

In other news, my buddy Isaac had quite the epiphany on Facebook today:

LOL! Sometimes fate is just against you man, there's nothing you can do about it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Alberto Del Rio as champ???

How does the WWE spend the entire summer building around CM Punk, just to have him lose the belt to some scrub in a stupid way?? There was no denying that CM Punk single-handedly revitalized wrestling. WWE Fans who haven't given two squirts of piss about the "sport" for years were suddenly talking about it again! I should know, I'm one of them! Punk made it ok to talk about wrestling again because the WWE was doing some of the most creative things they have ever done! Breaking down the 4th wall never happens. It was an unwritten rule that you don't slander the people you work for, especially not on live television! But here was CM Punk, tearing down that wall like some Berlin citizen in the late 80s/early 90s. And you know what? People were loving it! Everything was going splendidly.

Until now. Talk about dropping the ball here. 

The WWE may have just killed the very thing that was saving it; CM Punk's credibility. Sure he might have beaten John Cena, but to have him turn around and lose the belt to Del Rio? That makes no sense. 

Ok, it makes some sort of sense to the higher-ups within the federation. They want to build a new star (Del Rio) and they figured that this was the first step. They are wrong, but I can see the logic behind it (no matter how moronic) and I look forward to seeing how they plan on proceeding tomorrow night on Raw. 

**Ends rant before he makes even less sense than right now**

The Balance

In coming to this blog you are probably aware of a few things:

1. I'm a nerd

2. That #1 entails talking about gaming from time to time

This entry is going to be about gaming. Turn back now if you aren't interested. Go ahead, I'll wait.

*patiently waits while losers leave*

Now then. Where were we? Oh right, gaming.

First and foremost you need to understand that I prefer to game on the Xbox360. My gamerscore is over 50k, and I'm what most people would call an "Achievement Whore." I'm not as bad as some people I know who have gamerscores in the 100k+ range, but still. If a game is released for every platform, chances are I will be picking up on Xbox. 

That's just how I roll. 

If I were a cute Asian girl, this would be me.

Now that you know my bias, here is the topic of conversation:

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

I am late to the party with this game, as it was released in March 2010, but the old saying "better late than never" certainly applies. My friend Daniel basically said that BFBC2 made him say "F*ck Call of Duty" and that was all the persuading I needed to jump into the action. 

This is the conversation we had while I was downloading the game:

Daniel: You are probably going to play the Engineer or Assault class.

(*Me being aware that there is a sniping class and feeling somewhat offended that he didn't say I would play that particular class, but trying to hide it*)

Me: LOL! Why do you say that?

(*Him being truthful and sincere in his thoughts*)

Daniel: Well because the sniping is hard. I get the feeling you will be better suited to those other classes. 

Me: Hey F*ck you bro, I know how to snipe!

Daniel: Calm down, I didn't mean anything like that. It's just that this game is actually realistic when it comes to shooting. It's nothing like COD. Gravity actually affects bullets!

Me: Well no sh*t gravity affects bullets. 

(*Him starting to be annoyed because I obviously wasn't understanding*)

Daniel: No, NOOB, I mean that in order to snipe someone who is more than 100 yards away you have to aim like a foot above their head because gravity pulls the bullet down!

Me: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh....SWEET!

It's at this point that I am actually getting to play the game and I find out what he is talking about. I start out playing the Recon (sniper) class, but after sucking a lot I switch to the Engineering class and start wrecking fools. 

The cool thing about the Engineering class is that you start out with RPGs, in order to take out tanks and helicopters or any other vehicle that is in opposition to you. 

The only downside to having RPGs to take out tanks is that most of the time you have to give away your prized hiding spot in order to use them effectively.

Happens more than you know.

The cool thing about the game is that you have the ability to level up each class individually by earning XP by playing as that class. Now I use Anti-Tank mines instead of RPGs and I can just place those down and walk away with the hopes that the experience points will pile up once some unsuspecting fool drives right onto the mine(s) at a later point. [Fun trivia: I actually took out TWO tanks with mines at once before, committing suicide in the process but it was totally worth it.]

What was the point of me saying all of this? Nothing I guess. Most of the time the words that come out of my mouth only make sense to me and I'm the only one who cares. Maybe with this entry someone will realize how awesome this game is and give it a shot? *shrugs*

That's it for now. Maybe later I'll blog about how my friend gave me The Clap after coming home from an anime convention. ;-)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Earlier Today

While at work today I was approached by a female co-worker who goes by the name of "Hollywood" while on the clock.

The problem with "Hollywood" is that she has a skewed viewpoint of the world. With a nickname like that you might think that she is blemish-free and everyone wants a piece of her. In fact, the complete opposite is true. Here's an example:

So...with this being said, you can imagine how I felt when she took it upon herself to come and talk to me while I was busy. Normally I try and avoid communication with her at all costs (for the sake of not having to dip any part of my body in hydrochloric acid), but she caught me at a time when I was busy and unable to defend myself. This is how it went down.

Her: Matty, I was telling my family about you yesterday...

Me: Really? Uh, why? Why is that?

Her: Well because you do basically everything around here and you are the best.

Me: Uh, thanks. *tries to think of something to say with no luck but is thankfully rescued from the situation when another co-worker enters the scene, allowing him to escape*

While what she said about me doing everything and being the best is completely and utterly true, it was a really awkward situation that I didn't appreciate being placed into. If I had a Sonic Screwdriver I would have used it on just about anything in the room to alleviate the circumstances.

I don't foresee this being the end of my run-ins with the evil super villain-ess, but for now I can rest peacefully with the knowledge that she can't harm me at home. :)

So it begins...

A new adventure in blogging (with help from photoshop) starts today. All props go to my "boi" Isaac for the inspiration.

Yes, he is in fact THAT cool. 

This blog can also say it draws inspiration from the much loved Hyperbole and a Half. While I make no claim to be anywhere near as awesome or funny as Allie, I can only hope to one day have as many fans as she does. 

For now I am content with stopping here as "brevity is the soul of wit" or something like that.