Saturday, October 20, 2012


Borderlands 2 has indeed captured my attention as of late (like I knew it would). It's been over a month since I've written anything here, so let's try and recap.

The throat pain went away just as mysteriously as it appeared. No clue as to what the deal was there.

I started "jogging" when I got my new phone. Mostly it's a "jog for as far as you can before you get winded and then start walking"-kind of thing, but I was fairly consistent with it. This week I've been slacking though. A random mid-week geekfest combined with general laziness is to blame there. 

I've coupled this walking/jogging with eating healthier. I couldn't believe it at first but I actually did start feeling better. How come I wasn't informed of this sooner? I had heard the "put junk in get junk out" type of theory in the past but I always thought it was just something that people said to try and dissuade others from consuming too much junk food. Little did I know that the opposite was also true: put good things in, and good things come out! Weird!!! lol. 

So in between jogging and eating better I have felt pretty awesome, even despite whatever it is that is fucking bothering me. But today...I've felt the worst I've felt in a while. I DID eat like crap yesterday, so who knows? *think healthier, live healthier*

Work has been super horrible until the thursday that just passed. (The 18th? Too lazy to check right now.) One of my best friends who I met working there just left Texas to return to Maryland. I haz a sad. That, combined with the fact that the GM is an incompetent retard makes for a hard situation. They are cutting hours and it sucks bad. Definitely need to be on the look out for a new job. 

Oh! Something happened with my crush at work....but not anything really worthwhile. (Sorry to get your hopes up.) Anyway, one day I went in and one of the other servers that I am friends with was like:

 "Hey Matthew, did you know that (blank) said she would date you?" 
I did not. This was not something that had made its way to me since I am only there 3 days a week. 

So I asked for more details and the server said that my crush basically told her: 

"Yeah, I'd date Matthew....if I didn't already have a boyfriend."

F.M.L. *le sigh* Not only does the woman I like actually like me, but she said she would date me!!.....were it not for the lazy asshat who impregnated her 4 years ago. God.Damn.It.

There's only one thing that came to mind (other than the cursing of course) when I found this out and that is how bittersweet it is. And when you think of bittersweet, you HAVE to think of this:

I'm out. Maybe I will have good news next time.
