Monday, July 20, 2015

My lack of updates have a real reason this time; and it is not a 'good' one

May 17th, 2015 - My older brother passed away. He fell asleep while cleaning his pool and while the EMTs were able to resuscitate him, the brain damage was too severe; he died when they took him off of ventilation. I literally stood there and watched as his last breath left his body. It's a surreal thing to witness. I still don't understand it.

I feel like the wrong brother died. I mean truthfully. This might be me getting all emotional and all that, but for real. What do I have going for me? Not a damn thing. What did Danny have going for him? A wife, a daughter, a decent career that would have taken off eventually. Basically everything. And yet here I sit, breathing while he is gone. No one to take care of his family. He had life insurance, but there is no telling when/if they will get that money.

I attended my brother's wedding AND funeral at the same church. Still unreal. And only a 10 years difference between them. He didn't deserve his fate. Not that anyone ever really does, but especially not him. He wanted a pool because we grew up poor and had to use the community pool. It was important to him to rise above the financial hardship(s) that we faced in our lives. And he did; for a little while.  

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Stuck in a loop I can't get out of

So it's Mother's Day 2015 and I can't wish my mom a happy one because her cell phone is cut off at the moment. *shrugs*

I've been trying to have female interaction all day to no avail. I reached out this one new girl who went to see Age of Ultron with the meetup group and she friendzoned me already. Okay, cool. No worries.

I didn't delete my old OKC but I did make a new one. And Sarah from up nawth found me on it again. I didn't realize it before but I think she might like me slightly. She obviously knows I had a crush on S. and not her though. I can't believe I was so naive to think that I actually had a chance with S. It has taken me this long to come up with the courage to write it out, but basically one of the reasons E and I broke up was because I thought S and I were going to become a thing. Well I didn't think that; I wanted it. There is indeed a difference, but I thought I had major brownie points for all of the cool shit I did for her. Oh well. It all matters for naught (not?) in the long run.

I look like shit today anyway so I'm realizing that female companionship might not be in my best interest. Funny how things work out nothing like you planned. For me at least. Nothing ever does.

It's fine. I'm going to die alone and mal-adapted. One of the only reasons I can think as to why I'm not being/staying with anyone or even receiving opportunities is because I don't deserve them. I've made a lot of dumb mistakes and they're going to be the death of me.

My whole family seems to have ended up in very shitty situations with no hope of improvement so might as well just enjoy the ride for however long it lasts, which I don't anticipate to be long.

It's been a year since I was dating Meredith and thought my life had improved so much. Other than a decent job, nothing in my life is particularly great. I have little to friends, and even the ones I do have are hesitant to say anything to me. Especially about all of the fancy vegas trips they were going on and shit.

I'm contemplating just deleting facebook entirely. It doesn't seem to have been an issue for Ruben. Of course he has money and is a bit more outgoing than I, so I'm sure he is able to adapt better. Me....I'd probably go the G route and delete and come back 5 times in a week. I dunno. Speaking of, she's doing great. Hell, all of my friends are doing great pretty much. What does that say about them vs. me? The majority of them are in relationships or have friends near to them but maybe they're just content with their life. I know I'm not. And I keep gaining and losing motivation to do anything about it. I genuinely despise interacting with the general populace as most of them are retarded as shit. But it doesn't look like online dating is working out for me, which isn't surprising. My face is not symmetrical; if I didn't do that thing with my nostrils as a child and if my ears weren't different sizes and if I weren't going bald and could rock some decent hair I might be okay. But none of that is the case. I wish I had never heard Sylvia talk about LC CE in Chili's that one day. My life would be a lot different, maybe.

I should have lower standards. I don't know HOW in the fuck I managed to land E but now that she has gotten away, I know that opportunity won't ever come along again. I should have held on tight instead of pushing away. Her situation was kind of fucked up, but it could have worked out. Thing is, there's a lot that I was never told. I'm certain she just wanted to get out and not have anything to do with me. Can't say I blame her there. I'd be remiss if I said I understood why she liked me. Especially when so many others don't. As I said, I just have too high of standards. I should write a list of my wants in a significant other and then cut that sumbitch in half and see if I have any luck. And then if I STILL don't have any luck then I will know that I am most definitely an un-datable piece of shit. Which I am fairly certain is the case, but w/e.

I just feel so alone. Even The Isaac, who used to send me youtube videos has apparently abandoned me. Great. I miss him. I just need to put my teeth to the grindstone and get more certifications and rack up EXP and then move back to San Antonio. Especially if my roommate's girlfriend is supposed to be moving in with us, it might get to be a problem. She's cool, but I dunno man. My best friend/roommate has been super amazing and totally saved my life by letting me live here, but the more I see here the more I realize that this isn't my home. I wanted it to be, I really did. But I'm like a transplanted organ and the host (NC) is rejecting me. Fitting considering the shape I'm in.

Speaking of shape, I'm almost down to 193 which is where I was at before I started at EN I believe. God it's taken forever. I'm trying to be good until my birthday, when I will absolutely splurge and go wild.

A random thought just occurred to me, but I immediately thought better of it. I had the wild idea that I should fly home for my birthday weekend, but nah. Too expensive and the entire semantics of it would be a nightmare, in the long run.

I still want to get a tattoo, but I think my first one is going to end up being a Spur on one of my shoulders in honor of my San Antonio Spurs. But it depends on if I can get the money for it, since tats can be expensive. (Right Sean? lmao)

But who the fuck am I to criticize anyone? No one. I've fucked up more times than I can count. I dunno man.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

What is it even?

My mind went blank as I started to write this. I think it had something to do with women as always. Not positive though.

I'm washing clothes. Yay! /sarcasm

Things are returning to the way they were 'pre-NC' and I'm just shrugging. I can't do it alone, and yet that is how I've been trying. Everyone is getting married or having kids or at least in a relationship and then there's me: not doing anything. Maybe I should have stuck with Edith. *shrugs*

I've sorta given up trying as well. I haven't deleted OKC yet though. I need to get on that.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Dream a little dream

I had a dream about my crush from my previous job last night. I thought I had managed to remove her from my mind since I was never going to see her again (theoretically). But I guess my subconscious still isn't over her. I can't blame it, we didn't exactly get any sort of closure whatsoever. Oh well.

I'm still reeling (not sure that's the correct word) from the whole FZ thing of this weekend. I should have known better; better than to try and find a companion. But part of me feels like I still deserve someone....even though that part is probably slowly decaying and will rot off eventually. I hope it does. At least that way I will have a definitive way of feeling, instead of this teeter-tottering, back and forth, bullshit. Gah.

Today at the new job was cool. I was the only one to get 4 rings set-up out of the 4 new people who were assigned. I did take it as a challenge, and I DID succeed. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I'm positive that the guys know that I don't have as much technically knowledge as they do, but I will be damned if having a guide/directions won't allow me to do something. Shiiiiit. lol.


P. S. Beware the ides of March and all that. (Yes I know I'm late. Shoot me.) 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

I Realize Why Now....Sorta

I think I know why the updates to this blog are so infrequent: I really only feel like writing about my life when it's not going so great. Which, I can see why that would make sense; if I had awesome stuff going on, there wouldn't be a reason to sit here and pour my heart out to a blog that only I read. Know what I mean?

It's back again (or did it never leave?), that feeling of doom and depression. I got friendzoned AGAIN yesterday. By a girl that I thought I might have had some sort of future with. But I guess I always think that. Who tries to date someone that they don't think they have a future with right? *shrugs* I haven't claimed to be intelligent for quite some time now.

I say this now and I've said it before (so we will see if/when it sticks) but I am giving up on finding someone. I will be 31 this year and I honestly didn't expect to make it to this point due to the myriad of illnesses that I KNOW I have that aren't currently diagnosed. Like the bruise/spot on my right leg that sometimes hurts like crazy but other times is perfectly fine. I will probably never know what THAT is about. But back to the giving up thing....I deleted Tinder and disabled my plenty of fish account. I haven't gotten rid of OkCupid yet, but I will. I'm trying to hard, instead of just letting it happen. And by this point, I doubt it will. I've spent so much time trying to fight fate that I'm willing to accept defeat. You can't go against what life has in store for you. You are only delaying the inevitable and even that only works for so long. How can you expect to alter the threads of fate when you don't even have a clue how they work? You can't. I've tried.

Things with the friend that I mentioned in the previous entry are definitely almost over. She has a boyfriend now and a full house and a busy and wonderful life I'm sure. She doesn't even respond to the questions I ask her via text. Instead she replies back with random shit. Like today I asked her what's up and she replied with "Do you need a Vacuum?" What.The.Fuck. No I don't need a fucking Vacuum. I need you to be there for me when I need to talk. But you are probably too busy having an amazing life to make time for me. I fucked up at some point along the way and you realized that I would only bring you down, which is great for you. I knew you were smart as hell. I guess I just didn't expect you to realize that so soon and thought I could get at least a year of friendship out of you before you bailed. Ah well. Shame on me for trying to think. I need to just keep bullshitting my way through life, as I have been. But without companionship. Jason won't abandon me, unless I start spiraling into drugs or drinking or something. He's too nice. I'm sure he wants to kick me out as it is. I should try looking for my own place once I get on my feet.

At least I am finally starting to make a bit of headway on the debt that I have. If I live long enough, I might actually start to pay some of it off! Heh, I'll be surprised if that happens though. Honestly I'm surprised I'm still here as it is.

It's heartbreaking to know that everyone around me can seem to get into or out of relationships as they please. Even my friends who are single are still happy. They get to DATE and have sex and all the normal shit that people our age should be doing. I feel like the characters in Kurt Vonnegut's "TimeQuake" except that I can only hope and pray that someone will walk up to me and tell me "you were sick but now you're well. And there's work to do."

Heh, are hallucinations a symptom of depression?


Oh, the one bright spot in my life? I found out that the band BABYMETAL kicks ass.