Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Coming out of the woodwork

 It's really funny to me how some of my friends don't seem to give a shit about saying/doing anything to/for me until someone else starts getting attention. I recently posted on facebook about some mail I received from my "nephew" and my friend replied: 

" I love those drawings! I remember seeing them sitting on the kitchen table a few weeks ago. I still have those Warframe things from PAX to send you! I couldn't get any autographs at Comic-Con though. Everyone you'd care for already left by the time we got there."

Riiiiight. If you gave any sort of shits, you would have made it to comic-con early. And the warframe stuff took no effort, so don't act like that was such a burden on you. But its whatevs. I will attempt to be the nice guy regardless because one day the situation might be reversed (but I doubt it). 

I wanted to say more but I have to get ready for work. Later.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

It's a Start

So I am now a CCENT, or CCENT certified. Whatevs. Not sure if I will be able to get out of restaurants with just this certification, but I hope so. I'm tired of all the restaurant bullshit.

I think Im going to have a hard time, with no experience and all. Maybe I can find an unpaid internship or something. The sooner Im out of cooking, the better.

On a different note, I think its funny that she wants me now. Now that she is potentially in the worst situation of her life (practically used up), she would be willing to settle down with me. Kinda BS if you think about it, considering that she was my first option and now Im her last. Im only entertaining the idea because Im so fucking lonely here. I might as well be in Siberia for fucks sake.

So I saw D____la on someone's facebook page. It was nice to see her, if even in pictures. It looks like she is doing well. I will never forget the good times, even though they were only at work. Lol. I added her as a friend, but Im sure her douche-weed baby daddy will deny me. Whatever. I just mainly wanted her to know that I was thinking about her.

I guess thats it for now.
